Oscar K.S. Hui received his PhD degree in mechanical engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. Currently, he is a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at University of East Anglia, UK. Prior to that, he was an Assistant/Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Hanyang University, South Korea and a Lecturer in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. His ongoing research activities include (1) rational design and synthesis of 3D binder-free nanostructured electrodes for energy storage and generation; (2) modeling of kinetics and mechanisms in catalytic oxidation in gas-solid and gas-liquid-solid interfaces for air and water treatment; (3) process modeling and optimization of steam reforming for hydrogen production; and (4) fabrication of flexible solid-state supercapacitors and zinc-air batteries. As PI, he has obtained a total funding of GBP 1.1 million (GBP 1.59 million as both PI and Co-I). Thus far, his research has led to 1 USA patent (9,040,007), 151 journal paper publications, 30 invited lectures, and >60 international conference presentations.
Rational design and synthesis of 3D binder-free nano structured electrodes for energy storage and generation