Allied Academies

Dr. Oscar KS HUI

Dr. Oscar KS HUI
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering
University of East Anglia, United Kingdom

Oscar K.S. Hui received his PhD degree in mechanical engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. Currently, he is a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at University of East Anglia, UK. Prior to that, he was an Assistant/Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Hanyang University, South Korea and a Lecturer in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. His ongoing research activities include (1) rational design and synthesis of 3D binder-free nanostructured electrodes for energy storage and generation; (2) modeling of kinetics and mechanisms in catalytic oxidation in gas-solid and gas-liquid-solid interfaces for air and water treatment; (3) process modeling and optimization of steam reforming for hydrogen production; and (4) fabrication of flexible solid-state supercapacitors and zinc-air batteries. As PI, he has obtained a total funding of GBP 1.1 million (GBP 1.59 million as both PI and Co-I). Thus far, his research has led to 1 USA patent (9,040,007), 151 journal paper publications, 30 invited lectures, and >60 international conference presentations.

Research Interest

Rational design and synthesis of 3D binder-free nano structured electrodes for energy storage and generation

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