Allied Academies

Relativistic Mechanics

Relativistic Mechanics

Relativistic mechanics alludes to mechanics good with unique relativity (SR) and general relativity (GR). It gives a non-quantum mechanical portrayal of an arrangement of particles, or of a liquid, in situations where the speeds of moving articles are equivalent to the speed of light c. Thus, traditional mechanics is stretched out effectively to particles going at high speeds and energies, and furnishes a predictable incorporation of electromagnetism with the mechanics of particles. This was unrealistic in Galilean relativity, where it would be allowed for particles and light to go at any speed, including quicker than light. The establishments of relativistic mechanics are the hypothesizes of unique relativity and general relativity. The unification of SR with quantum mechanics is relativistic quantum mechanics, while endeavors for that of GR is quantum gravity, an unsolved issue in material science.

  • Relativistic kinematics
  • Relativistic energy and momentum
  • Rest mass and relativistic mass
  • Mass–energy equivalence
  • Chemical and nuclear reactions
  • Center of momentum frame
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